Ronin Chasan


Throughout my time in high school and at Cornell, I've taken a number of courses that have helped give me the skills and knowledge to get me where I am today. Below is a list and short description of some of these courses.

Major-relevant courses

INFO 3950 – Data Analytics using Machine Learning

This course covers intermediate-level applications of data science, with focus on discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Topics include regression, classification, clustering, and forecasting, with an overview of machine learning algorithms and statistical inference. Some topics include discrete probability, Bayesian methods, graph theory, power law distributions, Markov models, and hidden Markov models. Additional coding skills taught included creating statistical models using NumPy, reading/working with dataframes using Pandas, evaluating models using SKLearn, and graphing using MatPlotLib.

INFO 4340 – App Design and Prototyping

In this studio course, students work in teams to complete a semester long project. Students gain practical experience applying the user-centered design process to design, evaluate, and code a high-fidelity prototype app. Through the project, students learn how design effective GUIs using affordances, user feedback, and common interface widgets. This course has a significant software dev focus, exposing students to methods and tools necessary for developing high-fidelity interactive software prototypes. This includes employing widget libraries, event-based programming, data stubs, Git work-flows, command line usage, and debugging.

INFO 4555 – Business Intelligence Systems

This course covers the fundamental technical and organizational concepts and challenges related to the development of BI Systems. Topics covered include: data profiling, dimensional data modeling, data transformation, metadata systems, data governance, data delivery options, and an overview of emerging technologies in this space (e.g. Dell Boomi, Tableau, Oracle SQL Developer, WhereScape Red). Course includes a semester long team project cleaning, processing, analyzing, and presenting real data from a corporate sponsor.

INFO 3300 – Data-Driven Web Applications

This course will introduce students to working with data in the context of modern web applications. These include data representation with relational and non-relational databases, data mining to find patterns and make predictions, and graphical presentation for visualization.

CS 2110 – Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures (with Java)

Intermediate programming course where topics included object-oriented programming (classes, objects, subclasses, types), graphical user interfaces, algorithm analysis (asymptotic complexity, big "O" notation), recursion, testing, program correctness (loop invariants), searching/sorting, data structures (lists, trees, stacks, queues, heaps, search trees, hash tables, graphs), graph algorithms.

INFO 2300 – Intermediate Design and Programming for the Web

The main emphasis in INFO 2300 was learning about server side processing. We began with a short overview of PHP, then looked at interactions with databases, learning about querying via the database language SQL. Through a succession of projects, we learned how to apply this understanding to the creation of an interactive, data-driven site via PHP and the MYSQL database. Also touched upon were technologies such as Javascript and Ajax and techniques to enhance security and privacy. Design and usability issues were emphasized.

INFO 3040 – Networks II: Market Design

Networks II builds on its prereq course, examining how the computing, economic, sociological and natural worlds are connected and how the structure of these connections affects these worlds. In this course, we construct mathematical models for and analyze networked settings, allowing us to both make predictions about behavior in such systems and reason about how to design such systems to exhibit some desirable behavior. Throughout, we draw on real-world examples, like social networks, peer-to-peer filesharing, Internet markets, blockchain, and crowdsourcing.

INFO 1200 – Information Ethics, Law, and Policy

This course investigates the ethical, legal, and policy foundations of contemporary information technology. Topics include telecom/network policy, big data, intellectual property, privacy, security, and freedom of speech/information. Assignments included writing policy reccommendations, judicical case summaries, and weekly discussions.

Minor-relevant courses and High School courses

AEM 4660 – Business Simulation

In this class, students participated in a half semester long simulation of managing a firm in a competitive market. We were able to get experience applying key business principles, such as finance, accounting, marketing, economics and management in dynamic marketing settings. Participants make team-based and individual decisions based on imperfect information and aggressive time constraints. Through analysis, coaching and facilitation, the experience leads to learning the ways specific business decisions influence firm performance in a dynamic marketplace.

AEM 3200 – Business Law

This class examines legal problems of particular interest to those preparing to enter the business world or own/manage their own firm. The course particularly emphasizes the law of business entity types, contracts, sales, agency, and property.

AEM 1200 – Introduction to Business Management

This class provided an overview of management and how businesses function. Human resources, marketing, finance, and strategy concerns are addressed with consideration paid to current issues such as technological innovation and its impact on operations, globalization, ethics, teamwork, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

AEM 2210 – Financial Accounting

Comprehensive introduction to financial accounting concepts and techniques, intended to provide a basic understanding of the accounting cycle, elements of financial statements, underlying theory of GAAP, and financial statement interpretation. Topics included methods of recording inventory, receivables, depreciation, bonds, and equity.

ECON 1110 – Introduction to Microeconomics

This course offered an explanation and evaluation of how the price system operates in determining what goods are produced, how goods are produced, who receives income, and how the price system is modified and influenced by private organizations and government policy. It also studied how individual consumers are affected by greater indfluences and how they make decisions about making purchases.

AP Calculus BC

This class explored the concepts, methods, and applications of differential and integral calculus, including topics such as parametric, polar, and vector functions, as well as series, to name a few.

AP Physics C

This course was broken down into two sections: mechanics and electricity & magneteism. The mechanics section explored concepts such as kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; rotation; oscillations; and gravitation. The electricity & magnetism section dove into concepts such as electrostatics, conductors, capacitors and dielectrics, electric circuits, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism. Both sections involved mathematics, graphing, calculus, and labratory experiments.