Ronin Chasan

Software, Web Dev, and Data Science

Who am I?

My name is Ronin and I'm part of the Class of 2022 at Cornell Univeristy, having earned a B.S. degree with Cum Laude honors in Information Science, with concentrations in Data Science and Interactive Technologies. In addition, I've completed a Business for Engineers minor to gain valuable management and entrepeneruial skills to complement my major studies.

I am from Long Island, NY, having gone to high school and worked there until I left for college. The lessons, connections, and organizations I have found both there and in Ithaca have brought me to where I am today. So, I invite you to take a look around my website and see what I have to offer.

What do I do?

Web Dev Icon

Web Dev

I build web apps and dynamic websites like this from scratch using:

  • Vue.js
  • HTML
  • CSS/Bootstrap
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • SQL
  • PHP
App Dev Icon

Application Dev

I also have taken years of application coding courses, and in the process getting a strong hold of:

  • Computer science principles and theory
  • Python
  • Java
Data Science Icon

Data Science

I have experience making full length data analyses using Python with:

  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • SKLearn
  • SciPy

to create statistical models, run small simulations, and make predictions based upon models.

How would I rate my skills?

Below is an interactive visualization of some key skills of mine in a few different domains that I created using D3.js. The skills are rated in estimated proficiency on a scale of 1 through 10.

How might you get in touch with me?

If you see something you like, please feel free to contact me for employment, freelance, hobby inquiry or just to say hello at my email or on my LinkedIn! You'll find links to both at the bottom of each page.